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Church Chess

Founded in 2013 with the concept of love and fun, Our goal is to bring our chess program to churches all across the USA and keep our kids and adults connected in a positive environment that promotes peace and spirituality thru fellowship. Chess is a fun, character building game that helps promote advanced learning and increase test scores in reading and math. Kids and adults love this program and we have taken time to make sure our participants understand the importance of reasoning and taking the time to "Think before Your Move". This is not just on the chess board but in daily life.  We encourage good choices and better decision making.   

What makes us different? We promote playing chess in warm, inspirational, fun, loving but most of all spiritual churches all across the country. Our goal is simply to allow our students to have fun and do it in a nurturing environment. Quite often when our children and young adults become of age they sometimes (unfortunately) stray away from the church environment they were taught and raised in. Well, its time to come home. Church Chess believes strongly in the motto that "We can have just as much fun at church as we can in the world". This motto allows us to come together in a spiritual environment that promotes love, laughter and peace among our fellow man. We promote team work, good sportsmanship, critical thinking, problem solving, concentration, and character building skills that will help our students to succeed in life. 


Our Coaches

Our coaches are carefully screened and must pass a national background check to  to ensure safety with our students. Our coaches are also in most cases top rated or non-rated players who understand the game and its rules to the fullest and will be there to help our students succeed and build confidence in academics and sports. While we ensure experienced top quality coaches, Church Chess also knows the value of everyday people so we also hire and welcome parents, college students and seniors to volunteer with our program. In many cases these are non-chess players who just love to help and want our students so good and be successful.    

Contact our office TODAY to get more insight on this wonderfully inspirational program.



Coach Hudson

Coach Hudson
​Head Coach

Our Philosophy

Don't quit and don't give up. We are "Soldiers for the Almighty King". This is our philosophy.


 "I can do ALL things through him who strengtheneth me".    Philippians 4:13

Our History

Church Chess is a brand new company just recently founded in 2013. The founder has over 15 years working with children in leadership potions and over 10 years working professionally as a chess instructor. Church Chess is a christian educational program destined to become a #1 name in chess.

Partners In Education

Our sponsors are actively committed to uplifting education and higher learning. Church Chess is proud to be a part of all of our sponsored churches and christian schools. We are dedicated to connecting people thru our continued fun and educational chess program. Become a partner in education with Church Chess and place your logo here for all of our visitors to see and support you thru our outreach.  

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